Shanghai Zhuyou Zirconium & Titanium New Materials Co., Ltd invites you to visit ABRAFATI 2015
Source: | Author:shzhuyou | Published time: 2015-06-29 | 3171 Views | Share:

October 13 to 15, 2015
Transamerica Expo Center | São Paulo | Brazil
Av. Dr. Mário Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387, Santo Amaro.

ABRAFATI 2015: A Boost to Development in the Coatings Supply Chain

As the largest event for the coatings industry in Latin America and one of the most important of its kind in the world, ABRAFATI 2015 (Congress and Suppliers Exhibition) will bring together the companies and professionals who make the difference in the coatings supply chain.

ABRAFATI 2015 is going to create ideal conditions for paving the way for evolution in the industry, responding to the current and future needs of society and the marketplace, which revolve around four major, interconnected themes: sustainability, multi-functionality, high performance, and great cost-benefit ratios.